Developer Update, Week 12



  • Combine the two laboratory scenes together
  • Create a script that allows players to travel between scenes



Technologies, Tools and Resources used:


Tasks Undertaken:

Added detail to the scene, such as more interest in the cave areas and a few mini parkour challenges to progress into the next area. I also combined the two laboratory scenes together and created travel between scenes.


Alex and I could not come to an agreement of whose scene to use as the laboratory scene, so we ended up meeting in the middle and decided to combine both levels together, this would ensure none of our work was lost. It was also due time that travelling between scenes was added as this was a core component of showcasing the rest of the work the team had put into the project.

What we found out:

That adding travel between scenes in Unity is very easy to achieve, for some reason I thought there would have been much more to achieving this task.

Open Issues/Risks:



This is the last week of development on the project, so there are no more future recommendations. Some recommendations to my past self would have been to avoid following tutorials word for word and just obtain the core information and go from there. And to also communicate the team more often between lesson times.

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