Developer Update, Week 3


To create:

  • A minimap which updates based on the player's location and orientation
  • This minimap also displays the current surroundings of the player



Technologies, Tools and Resources used:

(For most of the Task)[]

Tasks Undertaken:

Created a  basic minimap that follows the player, displays surroundings and orientates itself to the direction the player is facing.


The minimap works as an orthographic camera that follows the player and looks directly down. This works because as the camera is orthographic there is no perspective, so it appears as a flat image like a map. Additionally by attaching it to the player, the minimap camera is constantly following the player. Finally the map adjusts it's orientation based on where the player is facing (The top of the map will always be where the player is facing), this allows the map to be viewed easier. This was achieved by feeding the player's x axis to the minimap script.

What we found out:

Learned the basics of how Unity handles player x and y axes and the basics of working with a canvas to create an UI.

Open Issues/Risks:

Because the minimap is somewhat tied to PlayerLook, which is then tied to PlayerMovement, there is some risk of the minimap breaking as PlayerMovement is being handled by another team member.


Continue using Unity and learning through YouTube videos as this appears to be the best way to learn

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